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Ok so you’re here because either you’ve never heard of a cake smash session, or you wonder what makes Whisper Photo Co.’s cake smashes a little bit different.
A cake smash session, also known as a first birthday session, is basically what it sounds like. We take photos of your baby with his/her cake’s and its a fun way to celebrate this remarkable milestone! But, that’s not all we do during a cake smash so let’s dive in a little:
I don’t know about you but, personally I wouldn’t want all my photos to be heavily birthday themed. I’d want some timeless, classic, baby focused portraits to help me remember this time. That is why I love to start out with portraits with one of our colored backdrops, wood backdrop or bed set.
One thing I love is the opportunity to also use this time to update those family portraits! There’s a couple options for this but my recommendation is our lifestyle bed set. These are very brief because we want to move on from set to set very fast to keep baby’s attention. So while I wouldn’t recommend this completely take the place of you doing a family session, I would say this is a great way to get everyone involved and remember this moment.
Choose a theme or keep it simple, the choice is yours! This is usually the part where we get to chill for a minute and just enjoy the moment because phew, chasing a one year old through the studio is hard work!
What a perfect way to wrap up a wonderful session! You’ve gotta get them clean and I will never miss the opportunity for more photos! Bubble time!
And that’s your cake smash!
At Whisper Photo Co. you can have your cake and eat it too! In fact, its exactly what we do!